Police in Kenya are required by law to follow certain rules if you are arrested. Try to keep calm and do not panic. Remember that you have the right to be treated fairly and with respect.
NGLHRC has prepared a rough guide to your rights as an arrested person and to a fair court hearing. Click here to get to know them.

NGLHRC'S Guide To Your Rights
Tips For Personal Safety And Emergency Contacts
As a community, NGLHRC understands that sometimes revealing your gender and/or sexual identity may be uncomfortable or unwanted. Here are some general tips for keeping information about your gender and/or sexuality private and for staying safe in public.
Turn off Data Exchange. When connecting your phone to someone’s laptop via a USB data cable, be sure to turn off the Data Exchange button from your phone. Some people have apps that can copy your personal data as soon as your phone is connected to their laptops. If possible, only plug your USB cable into a computer of a trusted person to charge your phone.
Watch your words. Most of us speak on the phone when in taxis because we feel comfortable. Most assume that taxi drivers do not understand the topic of the phone call because they don’t look like they are paying attention or don’t act like it. But several taxi drivers are familiar with words like “kuchu” and “shoga.”
Do your research. When invited to an event like a friend’s party or a cousin’s birthday party, try to find out whether there are any gay-friendly people attending. You don’t want to end up feeling weird amidst some family members because of your identity or fall in the hands of drunk homophobic people.
Go out with someone you trust. When going out as friends or with a larger group, try to have at least one person in your group who can watch over and help with moderation. Some of our involuntary expressions of sexuality and gender identity can leave clues to our identities. This person can help inform the group if they are being too expressive and/or it’s time to leave.
Always know where you are going. If not, be sure about the directions. Also make sure that someone you trust knows where you are going and who you are going to meet. You can leave their contacts behind too.
Safe(r) areas in town (Nairobi).
- The City Clock at Kencom-Moi Avenue junction – There are matatu operators who work all night and the KCB Bank just behind it is manned by armed police officers. You can hang around here while waiting for help or calling for one.
- State House road and University Way junction (roundabout) – There is good lighting and regular movement of people (from University of Nairobi and the Churches in the area). The junction is also near armed traffic police and armed police guarding property in the area. Hanging around here can help you feel safe and control any threats without having to tell anyone about your sexuality and/or gender identity.
- Kenyatta Avenue, Simmers area -There are several groups of plain-clothed police officers seated in cars disguised as parked cars or taxis. They offer property security, maintain order and surveillance. Security guards in this area know them and can help get you to safety without revealing your sexuality or gender identity.
Emergency Contacts:
- CALL US: 0204400525 (Country Wide)
- CALL UNHCR: 41 22 739 7280 (Nairobi)
- CALL SALINA: +254 704 256 918 (Kisumu)
- CALL MAAYGO: +254 725 734 542 (Kisumu)
- CALL HOYMAS: (+254) 714 781 000 (Nairobi)
- CALL POLICE: 020-225685 (Nairobi Central Police) 020-603694 (Lang’ata) 020-560533 (Kileleshwa) 020-786878 (Buruburu) 020-8560756 (Kasarani) 020-2721692 (Capital Hill) 020-560921 (Riruta)